St. Aidan's Abbey is located in the N. Dallas area.
Spiritual transformation.
Social justice.

Monday, July 31, 2006

L'abri and "Prayed For"

This morning's meditation in the Northumbria book was very good and seems to encapsulate the passion behind both the abbey as well as Mars Hill in Dallas.

But in addition to these conversations and discussions, something else was happening.
People were finding it hard to 'shake off' what they were living through.

They were there while we were praying for things that they later found had been given ...

They were being given (not by us, but by God's answers to prayers) a demonstration that God exists ...

It was a combination which could never be 'planned' or 'put on' as an exhibit ... it had to be real.

... a completely new work ... would never have been possible if we had not been uprooted completely in every way, and if in that uprooting we had not decided to pray for God's solution and leading every step of the path as it wound through unknown territory.

We also prayed that if it grew, God would send us the workers of His choice, rather than our trying to advertise or get people to help us ... So not to advertise, but simply to pray that God will send those of His choice, and keep others away, is a different way of doing things.

We don't say everyone ought to work this way, we simply say we feel we were led by God to do this as a demonstration that He is able to bring the people to a place - even a tiny out-of-the-way place ... and only to bring the ones He wants to have there for His purposes.
Edith Schaeffer

Today we prayed for:

a brother, on his way to Boston, for safe passage;

friends, having lost a baby, for peace;

a sister, for grace in the journey;

a new friend, for answers to questions.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing
once again into our doors.

+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

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